
Tag : Lightroom

Lost Letter in Lightroom? Listen!

As I went to start my beloved Adobe Lightroom, I instantly didn’t feel the love… Lightroom asked me where my catalog was… Panicked, I looked under my desk to ensure that there wasn’t a pile of ash in place of my dedicated hard drive… Nope… Unplugged?? Nope… Power outage?!!! Hey, I’m not that stupid!!’ What had happened was simply that my drive had now moved from P: to Q:. Lightroom was confused, of course, but so was I at that […]

Negative Clarity

Hi folks, I was working on a picture yesterday, and I used the ‘Clarity’ slider in Lightroom. The way I use this slider is to usually increase the clarity to about 40 (I actually created a preset to increase the clarity to 40, the vibrance to 40 and the tone curve to ‘strong contrast’. I now tend to use this preset on all my pictures as a starting point). But for this picture (see original and final below), I used a […]

Miracles of Post Processing

Sometimes you look at your pictures after a session, and you quickly discard them, thinking they’re useless… It is quite amazing to see how much information is in a file that doesn’t look that great at first! With a little Lightroom slider pushing, you can get from there to here: The resulting picture may not make a great print, but you can certainly show it online! Keep on pushing those sliders!!