
Day 1 minus 1

That’s it, today is the day we should have left…

But there’s no rush! We have no reservation, no set itinerary, and no timeline. We certainly don’t want this trip to feel like work!!

Today was a day to wrap up everything before leaving. It was actually good to take this extra day to take care of business – literally. Plus, packing is something we hadn’t done so far. It is now – kinda – done. Note that leaving for 4 weeks requires a bit of creative folding and… sitting on suitcases.

My goal is to wear a tee-shirt and flip-flops (and shorts in between…) every day. Still, you don’t want to run out of clean clothes by the time you get to Rodeo Drive…

Anyways, if all goes well, there will be another blog post following this one, and it will be written from another country!

Wish us luck!!



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